
The money pit
The money pit

the money pit

  • Pair the Spares: Max can be seen making eyes with the female vocalist of a rock band Walter represents at the wedding at the end, and she seems interested in him as well.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Immediately following their vicious, end-of-the-relationship fight over her cheating with Max (that she's unknowingly innocent of), Anna slams the door, then drops her belligerent facade and bursts into horrified Tears of Remorse.
  • To that point, he'd been letting her think they'd slept together in a ploy to get back with her:įielding: Benny, if you don't loan me that money, I'll.
  • I Lied: It's only after Anna's on the verge of breaking up with Walter for good that Max comes clean about what happened the night she spent at his loft.
  • the money pit

    The construction workers keep ogling her or trying to proposition! Head-Turning Beauty: When Anna and Walter are having their big argument (see Drama Queen, above), she's wearing a very form-fitting red dress.What little we see of him suggests that he's a gigantic asshole. Leads to a big zig-zag between Ham-to-Ham Combat and Snark-to-Snark Combat in this sequence. Drama Queen: Both Anna and Walter, when driven to a breaking point.Con Man: Estelle and Carlos (the husband/wife team who stick Walter and Anna with the titular fixer-upper).Her husband Carlos doesn't shows up when she's conning Walter but his appearance at the end shows that he's definitely German (or can pass for one convincingly enough for the "in trouble with Israeli Intelligence" part of the earlier swindle). Chekhov's Gunman: Estelle appears at the beginning and ending of the film scamming people with lemon homes.The really hard part for Walter is getting the money and the permits. Bunny-Ears Lawyer: The Shirks are very sleazy and their work crew looks like it belongs on a Mad Max film, but they deliver.Burger Fool: Walter catches a ride home with a pizza delivery guy dressed as a stereotypical Italian chef, driving a ludicrous Volkswagen Beetle completely covered in flashing lights and blaring a silly song about pizza from external speakers.Book Ends: Fielding's dad appears at the beginning of the film to help establish how screwed Walter is (his dad was a powerful attorney until he ran away with the money of several clients) and appears at the end as yet another victim of the fraudulent real estate salesmen that sold Walter his lemon.


    The whole movie revolves around its renovation. At one point it is more of a "please come" bribe, because the Jerkass permit guy just won't arrive unless Walter offers him some money. "Begone" Bribe: To avoid some regulations.can we talk about this in the morning? I'm so tired.Īnna: Do we have to talk about it? Can't we put this behind us? it's okay, everything's okay.Īnna: You won't hold it against me? You forgive me? It only proved to me that I love you! Oh, that sounds stupid too, but it's true. I knew I should't be telling you this!Īnna. got drunk, I guess I sang a few songs and. I can't believe I'm gonna to this, it's so stupid.Īnna: I lied to you about Max.

    the money pit

    Walter: Mmmyeah, yeah, I'm awake.what is it?Īnna: I have to talk to you.

    The money pit